
The pine tree is evergreen, 10 to 30 m high, up to 20 m long and up to 1 m in diameter. The trunk is slender and straight. The wood is light 0.59 g / cm3, it weighs heavily, it is soft under pressure, it is tensile and bending, it is firm to shear and impact, it is easy to split, it is elastic and durable wood. Its durability, without artificial additives for protection: 20-70 years on the ground, 90-120 years under the roof, 250-500 years under water, 700-900 years in constant dry, and partly in the ground as a pillar or threshold 7-8 years. The volume share of bark is from 12 to 18%, and its density is about 300 kg / m3.

Pine is a sagebrush tree. The whitish is yellowish-white or reddish-white, and the core, in its fresh state, is similar to the whitish, while in the air it later becomes reddish-brown. The borders of the growth rings are clear and distinctly dark in color. Resin channels are mostly in the middle part of the ring and increments and are applied on the cross section as dark spots, and on the longitudinal one as thin strips. The strips of trees are difficult to see and heterocellular.

The density of wood is: in the absolutely dry state – 490, in the dried state – 510 and in the raw state 820 kg / m3. The volume porosity of wood is about 67%. The total linear weights of wood are: axially 0.4%, radially 3.3% to 4.0% and tangentially 7.5 to 8.0%. The total volume shrinkage is 11.2 to 12.4%. The specific volume shrinkage is 0.37 to 0.41%.

Pine wood is easily cut, planed, drilled and sanded. Optimal cutting speeds are about 33 m / s. The wood dries well, and at humidity above 25% and a temperature of 20 to 30 ° C, it is prone to blue.


The meal is the evergreen tree, whose height of the tree is 30 to 40 m, although copies of 50 and more meters can meet. The length of the trunk is 20 m, and the chest diameter of the tree up to 1 m. The price of bark is about 11.5%, and its density is about 460 kg / m3.

The tree fir is bacillum, yellowish-white to reddish-white, growth rings are streamed, and the transition of early wood gradually and something suddenly than in Sucem. The wood does not have resistant channels, wood strips are thin and invisible. The wood is mostly proper texture, sometimes contains a red wood, and fiber-of-the-fiber ventilation can also meet the rings line of the rings of their crossing with lusters.

The density of fir wood is average: in absolutely dry condition – 410, in a dry – 450 and in raw to 900 kg / m3. The volume porosity of the wood is about 73%. Total linear streams are: axial 0.1%, radially 2.9 to 3.8% and tangentially 7.2 to 7.6%. The total volume weight is 10.2 to 11.5%, and specific volume weight varies from 0.34 to 0.38%.

Wood firmly processed, it is well peeled, cut, planks, drilles and grinds, well and dries well, hard-to-turns, well-fattened, and something worse is lakira kao koriza Basic varnishes, it is difficult to impregnate.

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